Care and use of your Alarm.

There are many things the client can do to minimise the cost and inconvenience caused by false or unwanted alarm activations. False or unwanted alarms can waste the valuable resources of SA Police, SAMFS, SA Ambulance, Private Patrols and Monitoring Centre causing complacency that may result in reducing the level of service and increasing costs. To assist our clients in maximising their level of service and minimise costs, we have prepared a list of the 10 most common causes of false or unwanted alarms and the measures a client can take to ensure the reliable operation of their monitored security system.
1. P.I.N CODES must be entered patiently and carefully to ensure the system is arming and disarming correctly. Don’t rush, press the PIN numbers clearly and always check that the system arms and disarms correctly.
NOTE: Failure for your system to accept code inputs is more likely due to client input error not equipment failure.
2. VOICE ID CODES may be requested for Secure Identification so you must ensure all persons responsible for your System and Monitoring Service are familiar with their Voice ID Code as this is your primary means of secure identification with the Monitoring Centre.
NOTE: Failure to provide a Voice ID Code can cause unnecessary delays and frustration when you require service.
3. PHYSICAL SECURITY is important to check thoroughly before arming your system. Please check all windows, doors or entry points are secured including the removal of animals (pets or vermin), turn off heaters, ovens, ceiling fans, air conditioners or remove any items that are hanging or that can move to ensure a stable environment for your equipment to monitor.
NOTE: a large number of false alarms are due to customers failing to secure protected areas.
4. CHANGES & UPDATES to any site details must be advised of immediately including any changes to contacts names, contact numbers, contact list, phone line faults, extended A/C power outages, renovation works or system faults and always advise us when going away for holidays.
NOTE: Keeping us updated on any changes is the client’s responsibility and it can be of critical importance.
5. KEYS & CODE ACCESS is essential for MSE to have in the event you are away on holidays or for any reason your Nominated Contacts are not reachable. Be sure to advise us of any dates when you won’t be contactable and ensure temporary contacts are established with the appropriate keys and codes for access.
6. BUSINESS HOURS SCHEDULES must be strictly adhered to if you have your OPENING/CLOSING times managed. Please ensure the earliest Opening and latest Closing Times truly represent your hours of operation and all staff adhere to these
scheduled hours. Do not exceed your set times or access out of business hours, unless absolutely necessary and then only by prior notification to the Monitoring Centre.
NOTE: Scheduled times must be strictly adhered to as this is a Fail Safe Security Service not a Reminder Service.
7. CLEANING & MAINTAINING all the areas protected by your security system is vital in avoiding unwanted alarm activations. We recommend a Monthly visual check around all your detection equipment to include; cleaning away any nesting insects, vermin or spider webs and spraying around your detectors every three months with an insect surface spray. Avoid spraying directly on to the detection equipment as this may cause damage.
NOTE: Unwanted or False alarms are most often due to poor maintenance of the Protected areas.
8. SERVICING of your system is very important to ensure reliable operation over the long term. You have invested considerable funds on quality equipment and a Grade A1 monitoring service so you should have a Routine Maintenance conducted by a qualified technician on a regular basis to ensure it’s working as originally intended.
9. DON’T ASSUME anything about your System or Services, if you’re not sure please ask us before putting any assumptions to the test. You have a professional security system that is not a toy so please don’t play with it.
NOTE: Prevention of unwanted alarms is better (and cheaper) than any cure.
10. MONITORING CENTRE CALLS should be answered by the client’s nominated contacts to ensure a prompt alarm response without unnecessary escalation or cost resulting from Private Patrols or Emergency Services attending unnecessarily. In the event you inadvertently cause any alarms from your system please ensure you advise the Monitoring Centre immediately to avoid unwanted alarm responses.
11. MONITORING CENTER CALLER ID has been established to help you easily identify legitimate calls coming from the Alarm Monitoring Centre, just save these numbers in your phone 07 3722 8990 and 02 8879 4090 Labelling them Calls From the Alarm Monitoring Centre Only. For calls to the Alarm Monitoring Centre always use 1300 300 823. SEE MORE HERE